
Healthier popcorn

Popcorn is soooo easy to make, it takes seconds and tastes amazing. All you need is a big pan with a LID, some popping corn, oil and your chosen flavouring!

There is something so special and cosy about cuddling up to a movie with a bowl of popcorn. This is the perfect recipe for the weekend, the cinnamon gives it a really unique sweetness that will have you making this recipe, again and again!

Happy Friday everyone!

Healthier popcorn
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 2
  • 3 tablespoons of corn kernels
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of runny honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  1. Heat up the coconut oil in your pan, over a medium/high heat and leave 3 pieces of corn in the oil. Ensure your lid is firmly in place!
  2. Once all 3 bits of corn have popped, take off the heat and add your 3 tablespoons of corn and shake them in the oil so they are evenly spread, return to the heat, lid firmly on.
  3. In a minute or so, all the corn should be popping - wait until it quietens down, shake the pan again to catch any last bits of corn and remove from the heat
  4. Sprinkle your cinnamon evenly over the popcorn and drizzle the honey
  5. Stir with a large spoon to ensure all the popcorn is covered and serve!



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