
Super-healthy hot chocolate (never buy instant again!)

Hot chocolate is the ultimate Autumn drink that you will be craving when the weather gets that bit chillier. Thanks to this recipe, you can enjoy your favourite drink in a super-healthy way.

Cocoa, the main ingredient of chocolate is actually a powerful antioxidant and mood enhancer. It contains the amino acid Tryptophan that our body can use to make the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin, so it can literally lift your mood (you already knew that right?).

However the leading brand of instant hot chocolate contains far less chocolate and much more sugar and E-numbers so we lose most of its natural benefits.

This recipe is so simple with just three ingredients – try it and you will never need instant hot chocolate again!

Super-healthy hot chocolate (never buy instant again!)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1
  • 1 teaspoon of raw Cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (I used manuka)
  • 1 cup full of your choice of milk (I used soya)
  1. Pour a small amount of milk in a pan and mix in your cocoa powder, you will need to be quite rigorous.
  2. Warm gently until the milk has fully incorporated the powder and add in the honey, stir again.
  3. Add the remaining milk to the pan and mix all together, warming gently until warm enough for you.
  4. Enjoy!
  5. * You can use a whisk or a milk frother to create a nice froth on top of your hot chocolate!
  6. * Finely grate some dark chocolate on top for a more indulgent drink.
  7. * Add a pinch of cayenne chilli pepper for some spicy, warming hot chocolate!




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