
How well do you know your 5-A-Day?

The majority of us are familiar with the 5-A-Day slogan, but with the NHS reporting that only 1 in 4 of us are actually consuming it, how well do we actually know what 5-A-Day looks like and why is it even important?

This is what 5-A-Day looks like: 

This is a visual demonstration of 5-a-Day that I prepared for a client. You need 5 portions of 80g of fruit and vegetables – with the emphasis being on vegetables!

Fruit and vegetables are a fantastic source of important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to protect our bodies from disease.

They are also a vital source of fibre, keeping you regular and your digestive system healthy.

Why should I eat this much veg? 

In short, because the nutrients we get from fruit and vegetables are essential for a whole host of biochemical processes in the body.

The World Health Organisation suggests if we do not get enough of these important nutrients we increase our risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Increasing your veg consumption is the easiest way to pack in nutrients and keep hunger locked up as it is low in calories but high in fibre and water content.

Great, but how do I do it? 

Sprinkle berries on your cereal, prepare crudites to go alongside your lunch and serve steamed veg alongside your dinner! This is a habitual change but your health will definitely thank you for it 🙂



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